О нас
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
Мероприятия Плейлисты


Capacitação de Coordenadores Pedagógicos - LCA
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
#browse, search and filter data, information and digital content, #collaborate through digital technologies, #compose digital game story, #copyright and licenses related to digital content, #create concept of digital game, #create digital files, #creatively use digital technologies, #cut raw footage digitally, #design digital call to action, #develop digital content, #digital communication and collaboration, #digital competencies, #digital content creation, #copyright and licenses related to digital content, #develop professional identity in social work, #maintain ICT identity management, #manage digital identity, #safeguard online privacy and identity, #creatively use digital technologies, #principles of artificial intelligence
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
#able to use digital device operating systems, #Ability to create and disseminate digital contents as videos, podcasts, memes, digital presentation formats etc., #Adapting information research strategies to the responses obtained in digital environments (e.g., refining the search or sources), #able to use digital device operating systems
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