Working with others

The holder of this badge has demonstrated the entrepreneurial skill of working with others while working at VIBE.
Part of this skill includes:
  • Accept diversity (differences between people)
  • Develop emotional intelligence
  • Active listening
  • Creating a team
  • Collaborate
  • Expand your network

Behavior, attitude and knowledge has been assessed in this badge by a work supervisor and coach from VIBE. The holder of the badge has attached evidence on how this skill was demonstrated.
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Assignment 1: Demonstrate that you have worked on this skill.

Assignment 2: What do you think makes this skill important?
Login and start quest


#Accept diversity (people's differences)
#Develop emotional intelligence
#Listening actively
#Team up
#Expand your network


VIBE Breda
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union
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